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Attracting Talent

If you want to attract talented individuals to your business, you need to stand out from the crowd. All of the marketing and communication that you do for your customers will also form part of what attracts people to your company. When you look at your web site, social media platforms, and press coverage, be sure to look for these things:

Current: Do you look modern and appealing? If you have no twitter feeds or blog postings, will young people take your company seriously?

Collaboration: Does your look and communication promote collaboration? People today are looking for a way to make a difference by combining their efforts with other people.

Challenges: Talented individuals thrive on challenges. Does your career outreach include showing career paths and ways to solve problems that can help individuals reach their next level of performance.

Top performers like to work with other top performers. If you want to be a highly effective organization, you need to attract highly skilled and motivated individuals. Is your marketing and communication sending the right message to attract these people?

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