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Create Predictable Profit

I have known Shannon Byrne Susko for over a decade and in all that time she consistently has shown up with an amazing toolkit of solutions to help entrepreneurs increase their success—both revenue and profit growth. You can now access her amazing set of tools in her book The Metronome Effect: The Journey to Predictable Profit.

Shannon uses her experience in growing and selling two successful companies to provide us with the hard won advice of what works. She doesn’t sugar coat what needs to happen—new ways of thinking and acting are required. Over and over she shows us that not only are her ideas possible—they work. It’s up to you to take her advice and act on it.

Like Shannon, I am a big believer in the Verne Harnish One Page Plan (OPP). What I like about The Metronome Effect is how Shannon lays all the groundwork with a proven set of tools like Michael Porter’s Five Forces and Alexander Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas, both of which were new to me.

I am all about focusing on the strategy for your business. Shannon starts the chapter “Strategic Thinking” by reminding us that succinctly writing down your strategy is hard work. The results of that hard work, especially when using a framework like the OPP, is that you the entrepreneur and your senior team all work off the same playbook. Rather than pulling in all directions, everyone has to come together and pull in the same direction.

Getting alignment with everyone is even harder. From meeting rhythm to team cohesiveness, Shannon gives us concrete actionable tasks that we can do every day to create and maintain alignment with our plan and our teams. It is people who do the work of building high growth and profitable businesses. Shannon makes sure that teams can express conflict, while giving CEOs what they need to build trust and gauge buy-in.

Buy and read The Metronome Effect. You, your business, and your team will get in alignment and grow into the success you deserve if you do.

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