Val Low: 2020 in Review and Forward Looking Into 2021 with David Greer

Enjoy my interview with Val Low on her Focus and Freedom Podcast. Recorded late in 2020, we reflect on the year that was while discussing the way you can think about your 2021. I share my process for both reviewing the previous year and planning your next year. Gain clarity around what you want in your business, life, and for yourself. Here are the links to my podcast interview with Val Low:

On Apple iTunes: Click Here

On Stitcher: Click Here

On Val’s Blog: Click Here


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Business, Self, and Life

What you are most passionate about? High performing entrepreneurs are passionate about their business. Most are passionate about their life, relationships, and families. What often gets squeezed out in the middle is themselves.

If you want to spend 80% of your time and energy on your business, there is only 20% left for yourself and the rest of your life. I encourage you to be conscious of the decisions you are making about where you spend your time and energy, making sure that there is some time to energize yourself and your life.


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Looking After Myself

I was parked at the beach sitting in my car having just finished a half-hour phone call. In front of me stretched the ocean views of English Bay. Across the bay the North Shore Mountains stood out in sharp relief to the deep blue sky. The sun was shining overhead while people walked or ran along the path in front of me. Nothing was booked in my calendar for the next thirty minutes. The task master voice in my head told me to drive off and get working on the next thing on my list. After a few moments, I put on my sunglasses, opened the car door, stepped out, and went for a walk, fully taking in the beautiful day that was right in front of me.


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