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Write for the Customer

When we look at a beautiful flower, we can appreciate how nature has made everything in the flower perfect for us to enjoy. From the texture of the pedals to the depth of the color. When writing for customers and prospects, we need to appear authentic and natural to them in all of our communications. This starts with our thinking about our customers and continues with our writing.

Who: As I wrote about in Marketing Tips, you must first be crystal clear about your market segments. Start with identifying where they hang out and who influences them. Be clear on the type of person you are trying to reach. Are they the CEO or is an operations person on the ground? What you write may be completely different depending on their role.

What: The actual content of your communications needs to match the market segments you are trying to reach. Your message needs to resonate with the person you want to communicate with. For each role, what are the customer’s concerns? Their fears? What makes them successful? By focusing on the issues from their point of view, they will naturally relate to what you are saying.

Head versus Heart: Many companies, especially technology ones, focus on logic (Head). They believe that with enough analysis and cold, hard facts, anyone can be won over. The truth is that people only relate when they connect at an emotional level (Heart). Think again about their fears, what makes them successful, and how you have made similar people to them successful by removing risk in working with you. Connect with their heart and you will win them over.

Too many people spout information about themselves, their company, and their products. Like a beautiful flower, people will relate to you naturally if you communicate from their point of view.

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