Three Years of Wind In Your Sails

Three years ago today I launched my book Wind In Your Sails: Vital Strategies That Accelerate Your Entrepreneurial Growth. Thank you to all of you who have read my book and let me know how it has had an impact on you and your business. As I reflect on the three-year anniversary, I realize that these are the reasons it was important to me to write Wind In Your Sails.


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When a group of people get a sailboat to sail to its full potential, such as when you are racing, you have to come together. This is my definition of synergy–the cooperation of two or more people to create something greater than the sum of the individuals.


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After school I stood in our garage looking up at the rafters with just an hour of light left in the fall day. Outside the first snowfall of the season had covered the ground with a thin blanket of white goodness. Inside I was bursting with excitement to start skiing for the season. Not wanting to ruin my new skis, I took down an old pair of wooden skis with cable bindings. I put them on the garage bench, taking down tools to adjust the old bindings to my new ski boots.


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Create Your Plan Today

Have you created your 2018 plan yet? I have, and I hope that you have too. Having a plan gives you direction so that as you make decisions throughout the year you have a better chance of ending up at the place you want to be.

In case you have not created your plan, here is a way to simply and quickly create your plan today.


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Continual Growth

The biggest challenge high growth businesses face is mentoring and creating the next set of leaders. A recent project reminded me of the lessons I learned while attending the University of British Columbia which you can apply to help yourself and your next set of leaders continually grow.


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