Video: What’s it like to be 12 years sober?

Today I celebrate 12 years of sobriety. This is the single biggest achievement of my life. What I have learned is that I could never to it alone. If you are struggling with alcohol, reach out to me or someone else. You can Contact Me or call me at +1 (604) 721-5732.


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Val Low: 2020 in Review and Forward Looking Into 2021 with David Greer

Enjoy my interview with Val Low on her Focus and Freedom Podcast. Recorded late in 2020, we reflect on the year that was while discussing the way you can think about your 2021. I share my process for both reviewing the previous year and planning your next year. Gain clarity around what you want in your business, life, and for yourself. Here are the links to my podcast interview with Val Low:

On Apple iTunes: Click Here

On Stitcher: Click Here

On Val’s Blog: Click Here


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Video: How often should you communicate with employees?

To make sure that your employees are aligned with your goals, you need to constantly and repeatedly communicate with them. Scorecards are a great way to visually communicate progress. As the CEO of your company what you say is amplified many times. Set the tone carefully. At a minimum, you should be communicating with your employees weekly.


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Video: How did alcohol hold me back as an entrepreneur?

I used alcohol to power up to try and do more. I even used alcohol to keep me going late into the night while programming a highly complex software product. Today I know this is ridiculous, but then I thought that was my solution to doing more. The reality was that not only was I abusing alcohol, I was not looking after myself. What do you need to do to recharge and look after yourself so that you can be the best entrepreneur you want to be?

Many entrepreneurs struggle to schedule and take time to recharge themselves. If this is you, please call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me so I can share with you on how I make looking after myself a priority so that I can better be there for my business.


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Video: What is a back of the envelope business plan?

My friend and accountant Bob Cole used to say that he loved when entrepreneurs came into his office with a business plan that fit on the back of an envelope. It made it easy to grasp the essence of what the business was trying to do, how it would work, and the amount of profitability. As businesses grow, we often lose sight of the essence and simplicity of the key drivers of what makes our business successful. Then it’s time to return and write it all down on the back of an envelope again.


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