Real Innovation

Karalee and I were riding up the gondola together first thing in the morning on Blackcomb Mountain. It was looking like a great ski day when one of the people we were randomly put together with looked over at our ski poles and said “those must be old–they still have leather straps.” He was right.


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Cross the Finish Line

Entrepreneurs need to set clear goals to get what they want in their business. The question then becomes what is a clear goal? A clear goal is one where everyone can agree that a finish line has been crossed when you get to the end of a quarter or year.

While the concept might be simple, finding, setting, and making clear goals is often more art than science. When you meet with your senior executive team to set your annual and quarterly goals, look for these three things when goal setting.


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A Whole Day with Seth Godin

“People like us, do things like that”

This was one of my biggest take away ideas from the day I spent in New York with entrepreneur, marketer, and teacher Seth Godin. I’ve been paying attention to Seth Godin, reading his books, his blog, and watching his videos since I first saw him speak at the Direct Marketing Conference in 2005. I admire Seth for many reasons and jumped at the chance to spend an entire day with him (and several hundred others) at his one Q&A session in the US in 2016.


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