Murray Goldberg Product Lessons Learned

Serial entrepreneur Murray Goldberg created one of the world’s first online learning management systems (LMS) for universities and corporations. After seeing exponential growth, Murray exited the company he created, only to discover an entirely new industry with unique needs for training and learning management systems. Marine Learning Systems is Murray’s third company. There he brings a wealth of product knowledge, software engineering expertise, and entrepreneurship to a global problem that affects anyone who travels the world’s oceans.


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Vik Khanna Sales Lessons Learned


“It doesn’t matter what size or business you’re in—when you’re starting your sales and marketing should never be separated.”
—Vik Khanna, Founder of Faronics

You can’t have a business unless you learn how to sell. Faronics has become the leader in making computers used in education safe for students to use. This is the story of how four partners came together to solve a real need, building Faronics into a multi-million dollar software company by selling their product, Deep Freeze.


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James Shaw Marketing Lessons Learned

Founded in 2004 by James Shaw, Twin Creek Media started out as digital media experts creating web sites for companies. Their initial marketing and sales efforts were anything but digital. A breakthrough moment, however, forced them to rethink their strategy to move in a new direction.


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Bob Graham Corporate Lessons Learned

Bob Graham is a classic entrepreneur who started his first enterprise mowing lawns and teaching guitar in his neighborhood. After a succession of jobs, Bob realized he only had one life to live. A chance encounter led him to found Airwaves Music and grow it into Canada’s leading DJ company.


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