An Ideal Day
We recently flew to Alberta to attend the wedding of the daughter of a good friend of ours. The wedding day had all of the components that make up an ideal day for me.
We recently flew to Alberta to attend the wedding of the daughter of a good friend of ours. The wedding day had all of the components that make up an ideal day for me.
For two years my wife and I lived on a sailboat in the Mediterranean while we home schooled our three children. That adventure gave us a legacy that our family continues to draw from. When we are “stuck” on an issue we can change the tone of the discussion by focusing on the positive, such as when we stayed in the marina in Calvi, Corsica, France, exploring the fabulous village and enjoyed views like the one above.
In the last couple of weeks, several people have died trying to climb Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. In at least some cases, Sherpas were telling the people to get down off the mountain, but they went ahead to the summit and died on the way down.
I’ve written before about how I Keep My Edge by challenging myself on the ski hill. I was recently skiing when I passed this sign marking the edge of the ski area.
May I develop Complete acceptance and openess To all situations and emotions, And to all people. May I experience everything nakedly, Completely without mental reservations or blockages May I never…