Hearing to Listening

Music is one of my hobbies and something I have had in my life from a very young age. After feeling stagnant with my music for some time, I’ve been looking at more ways to put music back into my life.

I listen to CBC Radio 2 Tonic. My passion is jazz music and Tonic is a nightly program that features two hours of jazz music. A few times lately I have been listening to Tonic when I have heard a musician that I really liked.


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Earlier this year our son Allen and his friend Jasper Kim won a silver medal at the Vancouver Regional Science Fair. Their experiment involved using magnets to see if magnetism affected plant growth. To the surprise of Allen and Jasper magnetism did affect plant growth positively. They called their experiment “Magnetotropism”.


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Attracting Talent

If you want to attract talented individuals to your business, you need to stand out from the crowd. All of the marketing and communication that you do for your customers will also form part of what attracts people to your company. When you look at your web site, social media platforms, and press coverage, be sure to look for these things:


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A Personal Thank You

Four years ago today on my fiftieth birthday I started a new relationship. After some time of personal frustration with where I was in life, I hired Kevin Lawrence as my personal and professional coach. We spent the entire day together four years ago in my first ever coaching session.

We all have people who enter our lives and have an impact. Sometimes small and sometimes big. All too often, we never acknowledge those people who help us to change course, grow, and learn helping us to move through personal and professional growth.


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The photograph is my son Allen climbing the BCMC trail on the mountains of North Vancouver, BC. Allen is goofing around in this picture and it wasn’t long ago that either climbing the steep trail or lifting the log he is holding were insurmountable challenges for Allen. My children are an inspiration to me as I watch them be challenged and then rise above the challenge to achieve personal growth.


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