A Personal Thank You

Four years ago today on my fiftieth birthday I started a new relationship. After some time of personal frustration with where I was in life, I hired Kevin Lawrence as my personal and professional coach. We spent the entire day together four years ago in my first ever coaching session.

We all have people who enter our lives and have an impact. Sometimes small and sometimes big. All too often, we never acknowledge those people who help us to change course, grow, and learn helping us to move through personal and professional growth.


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The photograph is my son Allen climbing the BCMC trail on the mountains of North Vancouver, BC. Allen is goofing around in this picture and it wasn’t long ago that either climbing the steep trail or lifting the log he is holding were insurmountable challenges for Allen. My children are an inspiration to me as I watch them be challenged and then rise above the challenge to achieve personal growth.


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Keep Connecting

I’ve written before how Connecting People is a way I try and help to raise the level of discussion and make a difference in the world. I have had the opportunity to continue connecting with many new thought leaders this year, using Twitter as my connection platform. Here are a few more people whose writing challenges me to think differently.


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Time to Respond

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about his experiences in trying to rent a place for him and his family for summer holidays. He had used a couple of the popular online sites. He had made inquires on several properties and was surprised that even after 24 hours some of his inquiries had never got a response.


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