The Power of Video to Tell Stories

Compelling marketing comes from great stories. A greater number of high speed Internet connections combined with advances in video technology has resulted in explosive growth in marketing stories being told by video over the Internet. Here are a couple of video examples to get us all thinking about the medium.


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Where’s Your Blue Ocean?

In the Vancouver area, Grouse Mountain is known as a year round destination attraction. In the summer, there is a really steep trail that leads from the Grouse parking lot up to the restaurant area known by everyone as The Grouse Grind. I’ve been leading weekly hikes this summer on the BC Mountaineering Club trail. This route starts and stops at the same place as The Grouse Grind, but it is longer, less steep, less crowded, and is an easier hike. Yet when I speak with people who about the BCMC trail I find that despite my always referring to the BCMC trail:

Hike on Grouse = Grouse Grind


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First Hand Experience in Marketing

This summer I’ve been leading a series of Wednesday morning hikes up the BC Mountainerring Club Trail on Grouse Mountain. Grouse Mountain is located on the North Shore of Vancouver and is mountainous terrority covered with everygreen trees. Many people have explored this area and know it well. I recently asked my Vancouver contacts this question:


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