A High-Functioning Alcoholic’s Journey to Sobriety

Dora Gosselin interviews me on her Soberoso Podcast. We discussed how I recognized my problem with alcohol and the deep denial I experienced. I credit my coach, Kevin Lawrence, for helping me admit his drinking problem and guiding me towards 12-step recovery. We both emphasize the importance of personal growth and the ongoing work required to stay sober, especially doing the work of the 12 steps. I also talk about the challenges of being a perfectionist and the need to find balance in life. If you are stuck on an issue, in business, life, or addiction, remember that I offer a free coaching session to anyone in need, whether it’s related to business, life, or addiction. Many thanks to Dora for having me on her podcast and all she does to help people in recovery. (more…)

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Unveiling Business Success Secrets

Shana Epps started the Controlled Chaos Podcast to help people in recovery to live their best life. It was great to share my personal journey of coming to terms with my alcoholism and seeking help. We also talked about the challenges faced by entrepreneurs who are in recovery, such as navigating social events and dealing with drinking cultures in the business world. As an entrepreneur and coach, Shana was curious about how fast entrepreneurs should expect revenue and how do you know when to give up. Shana and I remind anyone suffering from alcoholism or addiction that there is always hope. Find others who can help you on your path of recovery. Give the podcast a listen. (more…)

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Grow Your Business

Welcome to my interview with Saul Edmonds on his Grow Your Business Podcast. Our conversation started with the prevalence of alcoholism and addiction in the general population and with entrepreneurs. I reminded Saul and his listeners that if you struggle with alcoholism or addiction, there is hope and that none of us get clean and sober alone.


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Getting Sober With a White Collar

A gift to the recovery community are the more than 250 episodes of Hard Knox Talks that Daniel Hearn has created. It is a testament to what can be achieved in sobriety and in life, by focusing on one area and sticking to it. I was fortunate to be interviewed by Daniel and his wife Donna, as we discussed my journey into alcoholism, business, recovery, and personal growth.


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