Grow Your Business

Welcome to my interview with Saul Edmonds on his Grow Your Business Podcast. Our conversation started with the prevalence of alcoholism and addiction in the general population and with entrepreneurs. I reminded Saul and his listeners that if you struggle with alcoholism or addiction, there is hope and that none of us get clean and sober alone.


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Getting Sober With a White Collar

A gift to the recovery community are the more than 250 episodes of Hard Knox Talks that Daniel Hearn has created. It is a testament to what can be achieved in sobriety and in life, by focusing on one area and sticking to it. I was fortunate to be interviewed by Daniel and his wife Donna, as we discussed my journey into alcoholism, business, recovery, and personal growth.


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Inner Alchemy Harnessing Your Attention

I love the title of Michael Alisasis podcast: “Life Sober and Shit.” It captures what it’s like to be in recovery.

In our interview, I share my journey to sobriety, which began with the help of a coach who encouraged me to attend 12-step recovery meetings. I describe my first meeting and the challenges I faced in the early days of sobriety. I emphasize the importance of personal growth and ongoing work in recovery. I also discusses the connection between sobriety and success, highlighting the need for internal change and self-discovery. The conversation concludes with me offering advice for those seeking sobriety and the importance of finding a supportive community.


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Top Entrepreneurs in Recovery

Join Jessica Stipanovic and me on her The Sober Living Stories Podcast. I share on my growth in business, alcoholism, and eventually into recovery. I share on how addressing my own drinking problem has positively resulted in helping other entrepreneurs succeed. A two year break sailing the Mediterranean and home schooling our three children, resulted in some amazing experiences that started me awareness of something much bigger than myself. We discuss the importance of finding support and not trying to overcome addiction alone. I also talk about my experience reconnecting with my birth family and the personal growth I went through to build relationships with them. We both emphasize the importance of doing the work and seeking help to find hope and overcome addiction.


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