Video: Why should you read my book Wind In Your Sails?

Wind In Your Sails is book designed to be immediately useful to you and your business. Here are five reasons why you, as an entrepreneur, should read Wind In Your Sails:

  1. You can make your own mistakes as an entrepreneur, while not having to repeat the ones we’ve done.
  2. Get unstuck. Wind In Your Sails is designed to be a reference book that you pull down, look something up quickly, and get unstuck from your current challenge.
  3. Learn from multiple entrepreneurs and businesses.
  4. Be inspired by our stories in your own business.
  5. Accelerate your growth as an entrepreneur and the growth of your business.


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Video: What are four questions you can ask when you or your business are stuck?

Every business owner gets stuck not knowing which way to go. Having too many things to think about at once causes us to freeze, leaving us uncertain about what direction to take to get unstuck. No matter what state your business is in there are four questions to ask yourself to figure out which part of your business needs focus first. Does it involve cash, people, strategy, or execution? (more…)

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Video: Are any of my employees alcoholics?

One in twenty adults in the US and Canada have alcohol use disorder. If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or CEO with more than twenty employees you likely have one that is an alcoholic. Many women have challenges with alcohol just like men. Just because they are high performers, have a “normal” outside life, don’t slur their words, or fall down doesn’t mean that an employee isn’t an alcoholic. I fit all of those and I’m still an alcoholic. The key is to be curious, rather than in denial, if you think you have an employee with an alcohol problem.


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Celebrating Four Years

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.

―Bill Gates

Today I am celebrating four years since the launch of my book Wind In Your Sails: Vital Strategies That Accelerate Your Entrepreneurial Growth. Many of you have told me over the years that the only way you consume books is by listening. I listened and today you can buy and listen to Wind In Your Sails on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.


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