Three Years of Wind In Your Sails

Three years ago today I launched my book Wind In Your Sails: Vital Strategies That Accelerate Your Entrepreneurial Growth. Thank you to all of you who have read my book and let me know how it has had an impact on you and your business. As I reflect on the three-year anniversary, I realize that these are the reasons it was important to me to write Wind In Your Sails.


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Plan Your Day

In 4 Vital Actions, I present four areas of your day where you should focus: start, plan, connections, and finish. How and when you plan your day has a massive impact on how your day works out. What path are you going to choose for the mountains you need to climb? How will you communicate to your team what route they need to take?


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When Your Growth Gets Stuck

Are you an entrepreneur who has reached the point where the growth of your business is stuck? Are you at a plateau where it seems like you cannot break through the challenge of your current revenues? Whether that is $1M, $5M, $20M, or more. The challenge is that the people and actions that got you to your current point, will not take you to where you want to go next. If you are stuck in a plateau and want to grow your business, here are some areas to focus on.


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Create Your Business Success

I recently finished Debra Jason’s book Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget and had the great pleasure of meeting her in her home state of Colorado. She is as positive and delightful in person as she is in the pages of her book. If you want to create success in your business, wherever you are located, buy and read Millionaire Marketing.


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