Video: Can it be lonely being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur is lonely. There are very few people who understand what it is like to be an entrepreneur. The decisions that need to be made. The complexity of running a business. Staying alone can lead to isms like alcoholism, drug addiction, or workaholism. Even partnerships can be challenging—who do you talk to if you don’t get along with your partner? Learn more in this video about what it is like to be alone as an entrepreneur and ways that you can build your own support network to lean into.


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Video: As A CEO How Do You Know If You Are Drinking Too Much?

Are you an entrepreneur that wonders about your drinking? I know that feeling. I wondered about my drinking for a long time. Being at events for entrepreneur I often felt my drinking alcohol was normal, because everyone around me was drinking so much. I still stayed in denial for a very long time. I even tried some controlled drinking, but that just made me obsess more about drinking.


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Video: What’s the role of an established CEO?

Being a CEO of an established company with 10, 20, 50, or 100 employees means you are constantly encouraging others. As CEO you have to take responsibility for Vision and Strategy, including where your biggest markets are going to be. In an established company your role is primary focused on making the people who report to you and all the rest of the employees in your company successful.


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Video: What’s it like to be 12 years sober?

Today I celebrate 12 years of sobriety. This is the single biggest achievement of my life. What I have learned is that I could never to it alone. If you are struggling with alcohol, reach out to me or someone else. You can Contact Me or call me at +1 (604) 721-5732.


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Val Low: 2020 in Review and Forward Looking Into 2021 with David Greer

Enjoy my interview with Val Low on her Focus and Freedom Podcast. Recorded late in 2020, we reflect on the year that was while discussing the way you can think about your 2021. I share my process for both reviewing the previous year and planning your next year. Gain clarity around what you want in your business, life, and for yourself. Here are the links to my podcast interview with Val Low:

On Apple iTunes: Click Here

On Stitcher: Click Here

On Val’s Blog: Click Here


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