Video: Why should you operate your business with a set of core values?

The greatest single challenge entrepreneurs and business owners face is keeping alignment amoung everyone in their company. Create alignment, so that you can operate faster, and achieve higher growth by discovering and operating your business from a set of shared core values.

Want to learn more about using core values to create alignment in your business? Call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.


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Burn Out

What are you feeling right now? Are you panicked? Filled with anxiety? Working every hour of the day and night to keep your business afloat?

As the leader of your business, your behavior sets the tone for the culture and behavior of everyone else in the business.


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Creating Leaders

As I came on watch, the last of the light of the day faded. Everyone else was settling down in the sailboat for the night. I was alone at the wheel in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, responsible for keeping the boat on track and everyone safe for my three-hour watch. Turning around to look behind the boat, I saw a slightly darker cloud approaching. I knew that could only mean a squall was coming with lots more wind. It was time to roll in some of the sails so that we would still be in control when the squall hit.


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Starved for Time

It’s Monday morning. The phone is ringing off the hook, your In Box is overflowing. There is a lineup at your door. You are an entrepreneur starved for time.

You have a limited amount of time to work on our business. While it may not feel like it today, you do have choice about how you spend your time. You can continue on your well worn path or make a right turn in a new direction. Use these ideas to get out of firefighting mode to take back control of your time.


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It Starts With Trust

Everyone around the table looked at each other. There was silence in the room. This was the third time they had met off site as a team to do their strategic planning for the business. Their coach had just asked how they had done on their five goals for the quarter. No one, including the CEO, was willing to own up until Don, one of the young up and coming members of the leadership team, said “we sucked—we didn’t make one of our five goals.”


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