Grow Your Business in 90 Days or Less

Three Ideas for Next-Level Growth

I enjoyed my interview with Brandon Gano on his Harmonious at Lunch Podcast. We both believe in the importance of strategic planning for business growth. In our interview, I emphasized the need for entrepreneurs to step back from the day-to-day operations of their business and think about the bigger picture. I recommend using a one-page strategic plan and holding quarterly planning sessions to set clear goals and track progress. We also discussed the importance of trust within a team and the need to address the biggest challenges facing the business. I reminded listeners that I offer coaching and facilitation services to help entrepreneurs implement these strategies. Listeners are encouraged to take action and implement at least one idea from the episode to accelerate their business growth in the next 90 days.


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Admitting You Need Help

Rob Ratliff is a marketing and business expert. It was a pleasure to spend time with him discussing business on his Entrepreneurial Odyssey Podcast. In our interview, we emphasize the importance of making conscious choices, going back to the initial passion that led to starting your business, and taking time for self-care. We remind entrepreneurs to reach out for help when needed. I also highlighted the significance of addressing mental health issues, such as alcoholism or addiction, and seeking support from others. Overall, we hope this podcast helps entrepreneurs find fulfillment and success in their businesses and lives.


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How Culture Drive High Performance Growth

In this interview, with Rohit Arora on The Maven Show Podcast, David Greer, a business coach and strategic planner, discusses his journey in business coaching and entrepreneurship. He emphasizes the importance of strategic planning in business growth and success, suggesting a process that involves setting long-term goals and working backwards to create shorter-term plans.


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