Becoming a High Performing Company

In this episode of the Small Business, Big Moves Podcast, host Tom Bennett interviews me as I share my personal journey of overcoming alcoholism and how it has influenced my coaching approach. We also cover these topics:

  1. The importance of setting a small number of clear 3-year, 1-year, and quarterly goals for the business.
  2. Meeting weekly to create a who, what, when list that the entrepreneur and the senior executive team will keep other accountable to for the next week.
  3. Why identifying your ideal customers is critical to maximizing the success of your business.
  4. The difference between goals and habits.


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Grow Your Business

Welcome to my interview with Saul Edmonds on his Grow Your Business Podcast. Our conversation started with the prevalence of alcoholism and addiction in the general population and with entrepreneurs. I reminded Saul and his listeners that if you struggle with alcoholism or addiction, there is hope and that none of us get clean and sober alone.


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Grow Your Business in 90 Days or Less

Three Ideas for Next-Level Growth

I enjoyed my interview with Brandon Gano on his Harmonious at Lunch Podcast. We both believe in the importance of strategic planning for business growth. In our interview, I emphasized the need for entrepreneurs to step back from the day-to-day operations of their business and think about the bigger picture. I recommend using a one-page strategic plan and holding quarterly planning sessions to set clear goals and track progress. We also discussed the importance of trust within a team and the need to address the biggest challenges facing the business. I reminded listeners that I offer coaching and facilitation services to help entrepreneurs implement these strategies. Listeners are encouraged to take action and implement at least one idea from the episode to accelerate their business growth in the next 90 days.


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Getting Sober With a White Collar

A gift to the recovery community are the more than 250 episodes of Hard Knox Talks that Daniel Hearn has created. It is a testament to what can be achieved in sobriety and in life, by focusing on one area and sticking to it. I was fortunate to be interviewed by Daniel and his wife Donna, as we discussed my journey into alcoholism, business, recovery, and personal growth.


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