My Process to Achieve High Performance and Growth-Building

You can learn a lot from my second podcast interview with Lois Sonstegard on her Building My Legacy Podcast. Find out:

  • How to create high growth, high performing businesses.
  • The benefits of using the Verne Harnish One Page Strategic Plan.
  • How planning 3-5 years ahead and working backwards is extremely effective.
  • Strategic planning is a process that requires an entrepreneur and their team to get off site every quarter.
  • When doing strategic planning, focus on the wins (what’s working) and then the challenges.
  • High performing businesses have clear who, what, and when lists for the senior executive team.
  • Key Performance Indicators give you real-time feedback about how your business is doing.
  • Every employee needs to know week by week how their work is contributing to the corporate goals for the quarter. (more…)

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Val Low: 2020 in Review and Forward Looking Into 2021 with David Greer

Enjoy my interview with Val Low on her Focus and Freedom Podcast. Recorded late in 2020, we reflect on the year that was while discussing the way you can think about your 2021. I share my process for both reviewing the previous year and planning your next year. Gain clarity around what you want in your business, life, and for yourself. Here are the links to my podcast interview with Val Low:

On Apple iTunes: Click Here

On Stitcher: Click Here

On Val’s Blog: Click Here


Continue ReadingVal Low: 2020 in Review and Forward Looking Into 2021 with David Greer

Video: Why would you want to hire a facilitator for strategic planning?

Entrepreneurs who commit to a regular strategic planning process go faster, achieve more, and make more money. While you can facilitate these planning sessions on your own, an independent facilitator has proven processes that make sure you have the best possible plan. In my 35 years of entrepreneurial experience, a facilitator can always help find a solution once you have truly faced up to the challenges in your business.

Do you want to learn more about strategic planning? Call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.


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Canada’s Podcast: Angie Barnard with Coach David J. Greer

Angie Barnard from Canada’s podcast has a discussion with Coach David J. Greer on why David became a coach, why it is so important to plan for your business by looking three years out, how to find who your ideal customer is, and how entrepreneurs can get off track from their original vision.


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