Video: How can I be a sober entrepreneur?

As entrepreneurs we face special challenges in being sober. Many of the ways we interact with employees, clients, and prospects involve alcohol. In this video, I share my early journey in sobriety and the ways I make it easy for me to either be in business situations involving alcohol or to avoid them all together. I know what it is like to be sober and an entrepreneur. If you are struggling, call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.


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Restoring the Connection

For a week, I couldn’t call my wife Karalee. Couldn’t text her either. She couldn’t call or text me either. Our communication by phone completely broke down. Coordinating logistics in two busy lives became difficult. Having a chance to discuss emotional issues, like our daughter’s recent pneumonia had to wait until we were together.


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Trust from the Inside Out

A few years ago, I suffered a torn retina in my left eye that became a detached retina, which was immediately operated on. A side effect of the retina surgery was that a cataract developed in my left lens.

For over a year my vision was impaired. The cataract developed so fast that almost every fifteen days I could tell of negative changes in my vision. As I lost more and more of the vision in my left eye, I was left only being able to see smudges of color.


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When a group of people get a sailboat to sail to its full potential, such as when you are racing, you have to come together. This is my definition of synergy–the cooperation of two or more people to create something greater than the sum of the individuals.


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Trust by Adversity

Read more about the article Trust by Adversity
Andy Leighton, Rick Lane, and Dick Leighton

As I wrote in Pursing A Vision, great performing organizations learn how to set a vision and then motivate all leaders and employees to collaborate together to follow that vision. For many organizations, building trust, between leaders, between employees, and between each other is critical to becoming a high performing organization.


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