Making An Impact

I am committed to making positive change for people. I do my work with the hope that I am making a difference, but like many leaders I know never really know if I have made an impact. I was thrilled and honored to receive an email message recently from Rad Tantra in Indonesia. This extraordinary young man was inspired by my podcast interview with Dan Lok. I am extremely grateful that Rad has kindly given me permission to share his letter.

How can you have an impact like Rad has created in his community?


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Doing Their Best

What if you assumed that those people who work for you are in fact doing their best? As leaders we are quick to judge those we lead and when they don’t fit what we think they should be doing, we often get resentful and angry.

I believe that most of us are doing the best we can. Our challenge as leaders is to help challenge those we lead to grow into what is the next level of “best they can do.” If they are not willing to become the next best version of themselves, kindly send them on their way to somewhere else where their attributes will be appreciated. (more…)

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When a group of people get a sailboat to sail to its full potential, such as when you are racing, you have to come together. This is my definition of synergy–the cooperation of two or more people to create something greater than the sum of the individuals.


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What Happened to Email?


Back around 1985, Bob Green and I invented host-based email. We were probably two of a few hundred people who came up with the idea of electronic email. At that time, many businesses had computers that employees were logging into every day and those computers were becoming powerful enough to host email applications.


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