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Discipline to Disconnect

Go! Go! Go!

As a high performing individual, I get caught up in the adrenaline rush of activity. While I can sustain extended periods of constant action, I need to find ways to slow down and recharge. That includes disconnecting from email.

I recently took a break with Karalee to travel to Martinique to go sailing with good friends. Sailing is a perfect way for me to disconnect, get back in touch with myself and nature, while getting into relaxing daily rhythms.

While the sailing was fabulous, I found that with the upcoming launch of my new book Wind In Your Sails coming April 13-17, I was constantly distracted. Worse, I purchased a SIM card for my phone and stayed in touch via email. I was able to push forward some critical tasks for the book launch. I also know that the book launch would still be a success, even if I didn’t get all those tasks done while I was on holidays. That little voice in the back of mind kept saying that the book launch would be better if only I got some of those key tasks done.

I have written about handling email and putting limits around it. My intention was to be connected for only 1-2 days and then disconnect. I know how healthy it is for me to be away from email and regular life, to have a break, and to gain perspective. My inability to turn off email reminded me of just how much discipline it takes to completely disconnect in our modern world. The truth was that I had lots of stories about why I needed to stay connected while I let it interfere with my break. The one thing I was able to do was limit email checking to twice a day. I did take time to journal daily around my awareness of my need to stay connected.

When we were sailing or playing Settlers of Catan, my book launch all faded into the background. While exploring in Martinique, I also put the task list to the back of my mind. In the evening, I would sit on deck enjoying the warm evening, the lights on shore, and the stars overhead without email distractions. I did have some discipline to rest, recharge, and still my constant need for action.

Do you have the discipline to disconnect? Tweet: Do you have the discipline to disconnect? via @djgreer

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