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4,847 Days Sober

I happen to be 4,847 days sober today. Getting sober is the biggest achievement of my life. Every single day, I must repeat this achievement. That’s what it means to be sober.

It’s easy to get complacent in recovery. Or think that just because I’ve strung quite a few days of sobriety together I’m better than someone with fewer days or less than someone with more.

The truth is that when you are an alcoholic or an addict, the person with the most recovery is the one who got up first that morning. My alcoholic brain wants me to forget that I’m an alcoholic so that I’ll pick up again. That’s why I stay close to my 12-step fellowship. It reminds me that I can never go a day in letting my guard down. You can recover, but for me it takes constant vigilance.

Are you an entrepreneur who struggles with addiction or alcoholism? I know what that is like. You don’t have to suffer alone. Call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me for a confidential conversation about how I recovered.

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