Video: Why should you read my book Wind In Your Sails?

Wind In Your Sails is book designed to be immediately useful to you and your business. Here are five reasons why you, as an entrepreneur, should read Wind In Your Sails:

  1. You can make your own mistakes as an entrepreneur, while not having to repeat the ones we’ve done.
  2. Get unstuck. Wind In Your Sails is designed to be a reference book that you pull down, look something up quickly, and get unstuck from your current challenge.
  3. Learn from multiple entrepreneurs and businesses.
  4. Be inspired by our stories in your own business.
  5. Accelerate your growth as an entrepreneur and the growth of your business.


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20 Years of Legacy

Twenty years ago today, our family embarked on the biggest adventure of our lives. We left Canada for what would be 26 months of living, sailing, traveling, and home schooling our three children Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen while we sailed 5,000 miles in the Mediterranean on our sailboat Dragonsinger. As an entrepreneur, what lessons have I learned as I reflect on this milestone?


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Video: Are you accountable as an entrepreneur?

Many of us own a business so that we can maximize our flexibility. While a business can offer that, more often we need to be accountable in order to get to the ultimate goals we have for our business and ourselves. In this video I talk about three ways I think entrepreneurs need to be accountable in their business, so that they can get what they want.


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Video: Can it be lonely being an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur is lonely. There are very few people who understand what it is like to be an entrepreneur. The decisions that need to be made. The complexity of running a business. Staying alone can lead to isms like alcoholism, drug addiction, or workaholism. Even partnerships can be challenging—who do you talk to if you don’t get along with your partner? Learn more in this video about what it is like to be alone as an entrepreneur and ways that you can build your own support network to lean into.


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Video: What should I do if I suspect I have an employee with a problem with alcohol?

As a business owner or CEO, there is a good chance you will encounter an employee that has a problem with alcohol. Alcohol is the most common legal drug in the world. At least 5% of adults suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder. In this video, I describe the things you can do as the leader of your company if you suspect one of your employees has a problem with alcohol or other substances.


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