Video: How did alcohol hold me back as an entrepreneur?

I used alcohol to power up to try and do more. I even used alcohol to keep me going late into the night while programming a highly complex software product. Today I know this is ridiculous, but then I thought that was my solution to doing more. The reality was that not only was I abusing alcohol, I was not looking after myself. What do you need to do to recharge and look after yourself so that you can be the best entrepreneur you want to be?

Many entrepreneurs struggle to schedule and take time to recharge themselves. If this is you, please call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me so I can share with you on how I make looking after myself a priority so that I can better be there for my business.


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Video: How can I be a sober entrepreneur?

As entrepreneurs we face special challenges in being sober. Many of the ways we interact with employees, clients, and prospects involve alcohol. In this video, I share my early journey in sobriety and the ways I make it easy for me to either be in business situations involving alcohol or to avoid them all together. I know what it is like to be sober and an entrepreneur. If you are struggling, call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.


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Video: Is alcohol impacting you and your business?

Many entrepreneurs cope with the stress, pace, lows, and highs of running a business by using alcohol. Alcohol can also take us down and have a massive impact on us and our business. I know. I’m an alcoholic. Fortunately, I have found recovery for many years now. I am dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs like me who realize that alcohol is no longer working for them. There is hope and help. I know, because sobriety not only works for me, but has let me experience the biggest dreams I have ever had for myself. Let’s have a conversation.

If you think alcohol is having an impact on you, call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.


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Video: Why would you want to hire a business coach?

There are many reasons to hire a business coach. I share several ones that I have repeatedly seen. I also share a personal story of how uncomfortable I was when I hired my first business coach Kevin Lawrence, and how my experience with Kevin led to my decision to become a business coach myself.


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