Trust by Adversity

Read more about the article Trust by Adversity
Andy Leighton, Rick Lane, and Dick Leighton

As I wrote in Pursing A Vision, great performing organizations learn how to set a vision and then motivate all leaders and employees to collaborate together to follow that vision. For many organizations, building trust, between leaders, between employees, and between each other is critical to becoming a high performing organization.


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Go To Market Strategy and Meanings

This past Saturday I attended Product Camp Vancouver 2014. This “unconference” brings together some of the top product management talent in Vancouver, along with some fabulous speakers. Participants suggest topics and ideas. Then people volunteer to lead those sessions.

When I arrived Saturday morning, the topic “Go To Market Strategy and Meanings” had many votes, but no facilitator. In the spirit of an unconference, I volunteered to lead the session. Before I knew it, I was in front of a room of fifty product managers leading the discussion.


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