Be 10 Times Better

While published in 2011, I have just now finished reading Great By Choice by Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen. Like Collins’ most famous book, Good to Great, Great by Choice shows meticulous research. The premise of Collins and Hansen’s research was why do some companies thrive in chaotic environments while others flounder?

What they discovered is what they call 10Xers. Leaders who over a 30-year period outperformed their competitors by ten times. They studied these leaders and their companies to come up with these conclusions about why they were able to survive and thrive over a very long period, often with massive changes in their industry and markets.


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Jump to Start

I hear my alarm go off at 5:15 am. Having got to bed at good time the night before I am fully rested so it is easy to swing my legs out of bed, get up, and put on my exercise kit that I laid out in the bathroom the night before. I head downstairs where I spend time sitting on my cushion, journaling, meditating, and reflecting on the start of my day. I walk into the kitchen, make myself a healthy breakfast, and then enter our dining room. I glance at a photograph of the Karalee, Jocelyn, Kevin, Allen, and I getting ready to dock our sailboat Dragonsinger in Aegina, Greece connecting me to the rest of our family who are not yet awake. I pack up my water bottle and head out to join my small gym group at 6:00 am. We work hard for an hour; after which I head to a coffee shop where I enjoy my first coffee of the day while I journal for a few minutes. Two hours after I first woke up I take out my smart phone for my first look of the day at social media and email.


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When Your Growth Gets Stuck

Are you an entrepreneur who has reached the point where the growth of your business is stuck? Are you at a plateau where it seems like you cannot break through the challenge of your current revenues? Whether that is $1M, $5M, $20M, or more. The challenge is that the people and actions that got you to your current point, will not take you to where you want to go next. If you are stuck in a plateau and want to grow your business, here are some areas to focus on.


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Create Predictable Profit

I have known Shannon Byrne Susko for over a decade and in all that time she consistently has shown up with an amazing toolkit of solutions to help entrepreneurs increase their success—both revenue and profit growth. You can now access her amazing set of tools in her book The Metronome Effect: The Journey to Predictable Profit.


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Plan to Succeed

You stand up to present to your entire company. Together all of you moved through the challenges of the last year. After the polite applause died down, you press the forward button on your remote control. No one except you know for sure whether the ambitious goals that you and your senior team together came up with were achieved. Instead of showing financial numbers and progress against your goals, you show them a picture of the strip in Las Vegas. Cheering erupts in the room as everyone realizes that the each of them and their spouses are going to Las Vegas for three days to celebrate achieving those very goals you put in front of them a year ago.


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