Collaboration, Communication, and Business

I was recently reading Greg Farley’s post 3 Words. Turns out there is a move on for people to embrace three words for 2011. As I am working on new opportunities, I thought that the three word idea was a great way to keep me focused on what I want those opportunities to look like. My three words are collaboration, communication, and business.

Collaboration: I work best, and I believe contribute the most to this world, when I am collaborating with other people. I enjoyed spending 2010 working with Birket Foster and Chris Whitehead at MB Foster. There was nothing that we worked on as a team that wasn’t better than the sum of our individual parts. I want to find more teams to collaborate with to create some fabulous synergies and results.

Communication: Writing and communicating is a way that I give back to my communities. Having coauthored three books and written over forty published articles, I want to find more and new ways to communicate with people in 2011. My intention is to write more blog postings and I am looking for other ways that I can share ideas and collaborate to share more. Send me your ideas on how we can communicate to give back to the world.

Business: Having been an entrepreneur for thirty years, business is a core passion of mine. To me the essence of creating great businesses is people collaborating together and communicating what they do to the appropriate audiences. I look forward to doing more in 2011.

While verbal and written communication are important, the visual artist in me communicates by photography. The photo above is from the sailboat Van Kedisi sailing in the Mediterranean. Sailing is an activity that requires close collaboration and communication. I hope to share more of my visual communications in 2011 in my Flickr account.

What three words will you help you focus in 2011?

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Greg Farley

    David, I am honored and humbled that you mentioned my blog post in your article. I also appreciated your honesty on Twitter when you responded to me. That showed me a lot about your character, I love it when I find people who show, not just say, that they take responsibility for their actions. I’m glad that article provided you with inspiration and reflection. I am looking forward to learning more from you and maybe we could do some of that collaborating that you talked about. You said it correctly, a good team will outperform an individual anytime. I like being part of teams that are hitting on all cylinders. Thanks again and best wished and success this New Year.

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