Seth Godin

I look for inspiring people to motivate, challenge, and help me move to the next level. Ever since I first heard Seth Godin speak at a Direct Marketing Association conference, I have been reading his books, following his blog, and watching his videos such as this Ted video on The Tribes We Lead.

Equal part marketing guru and change agent, Seth shines a spot light on current marketing thinking, forcing us to consider other directions. A leader in permission based marketing, Seth focuses on the customer experience and how we as marketers, have a critical role in creating outstanding experiences that customers have with our brand.

One of his latest blog postings asks us to consider “How should you treat your best customers?” Seth gives several concrete examples of “best customers” such as the biggest fan for a Broadway show or the Verizon customer who hasn’t traded in his phone on his six year running contract. At the end of his posting, Seth asks us an amazing question:

“But what if you define “best customer” as the person who brings you new customers through frequent referrals, and who sticks with you through thick and thin? That customer, I think, is worth far more than what she might pay you in any one transaction. In fact, if you think of that customer as your best marketer instead, it might change everything.”

How do you think about your best customer?

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