On the Path

The sun was already up at 6:15 am as I ran along the beach in my hometown of Vancouver, BC. My mind was on auto-pilot as I followed the beach along Spanish Banks where I have run, walked, and biked hundreds and hundreds of times. It felt good to just follow the well-worn path that was so familiar to me.

We often follow our own well-trod paths, especially when we are leading others. Many of us have discovered these paths through the pain of hard won experience. We know what works, what doesn’t, and if we follow the path everything will turn out all right.


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It Starts With Trust

Everyone around the table looked at each other. There was silence in the room. This was the third time they had met off site as a team to do their strategic planning for the business. Their coach had just asked how they had done on their five goals for the quarter. No one, including the CEO, was willing to own up until Don, one of the young up and coming members of the leadership team, said “we sucked—we didn’t make one of our five goals.”


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Create Your Plan Today

Have you created your 2018 plan yet? I have, and I hope that you have too. Having a plan gives you direction so that as you make decisions throughout the year you have a better chance of ending up at the place you want to be.

In case you have not created your plan, here is a way to simply and quickly create your plan today.


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Cross the Finish Line

Entrepreneurs need to set clear goals to get what they want in their business. The question then becomes what is a clear goal? A clear goal is one where everyone can agree that a finish line has been crossed when you get to the end of a quarter or year.

While the concept might be simple, finding, setting, and making clear goals is often more art than science. When you meet with your senior executive team to set your annual and quarterly goals, look for these three things when goal setting.


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Clearing Out the Clutter

Clutter is a fact in all of our lives. We recently had to say good bye to our long-time Honda Odyssey Van whose second transmission gave up. We scrapped the van, but its summer tires have been sitting along the side of our house since January. I finally made the commitment to get them out, photograph them, and put them for sale on Craigslist.

The problem with clutter is that it drags at us draining away some of our limited energy. As entrepreneurs, the more drains and distractions we have, the worse our performance and that of our business. Regularly clearing out the clutter frees us to pursue more of the key strategic initiatives that will push us and our businesses ahead the fastest and furthest.


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