Starved for Time
It’s Monday morning. The phone is ringing off the hook, your In Box is overflowing. There is a lineup at your door. You are an entrepreneur starved for time.
You have a limited amount of time to work on our business. While it may not feel like it today, you do have choice about how you spend your time. You can continue on your well worn path or make a right turn in a new direction. Use these ideas to get out of firefighting mode to take back control of your time.
The Power of NO
We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and courage to stop what we shouldn’t do.
–Richard L. Evans
What will you say no to today?
Every Day Has 86,400 Seconds
As human beings our perception of time varies from second to second. We are each given exactly the same 86,400 seconds in each and every day. Yet I hear time and time again that there is just not enough time in the day. We can’t make time so as a human what are you going to do?
Break Out
Earlier this year I was introduced to Hugh Culver. We had lots of connections from our commitment to family to his adventures and sailing. Hugh pioneered eco-sailing tours in BC’s Queen Charlotte Islands, among many other achievements.