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Video: Why would you want to hire a business coach?

There are many reasons to hire a business coach. I share several ones that I have repeatedly seen. I also share a personal story of how uncomfortable I was when I hired my first business coach Kevin Lawrence, and how my experience with Kevin led to my decision to become a business coach myself.


A list of reasons why you should hire a business coach:

  1. You are no longer fulfilled by your business.
  2. Your business no longer challenges you.
  3. You want to give your business away or sell it for peanuts.
  4. People don’t do what you ask.
  5. You’ve lost the dream which is why you started the business in the first place.
  6. You feel out of control, frustrated, or exhausted.
  7. You dread starting your day or week.
  8. You want someone in your corner who always has your back.
  9. You want someone with good questions, not pat answers.

If any of these resonate with you, call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.





Why would you want to hire a business coach?

Hi Everyone, I’m Coach David J. Greer.

A dozen years ago I was at an event in Vancouver. There were over a hundred entrepreneurs and their senior teams there. As part of that event there were a couple coaches there, entrepreneurial coaches. During the first break in the morning, I went up and talked with both of them. One was a nice fellow and asked me a few questions. But the other fellow, he asked me a few questions too and in a few minutes he made me more uncomfortable than I had been in many years. In fact, I almost had tears in the corner of my eye from the questions he was asking me.

At that time, I was very unfulfilled at what I was doing for my career—it was not working for me. That coach got to the heart of the matter in just a few minutes. When you are asking yourself “What should you look for in a business coach?” I would say one of the first things is are you feeling unfulfilled in your business at the moment? Just like I was all that many years ago. You may have lost sight of why you started your business and it may no longer serve that need. There can be a lot of different reasons, but if you are feeling unfulfilled in your business that’s certainly a reason to hire a business coach.

Your business no longer challenges you. What was once really hard is now easy. Or it could be that you just don’t have the right challenges. That the challenges that you are facing in your business now are not ones that fulfill you or get you out of bed in the morning.

You want to give your business away or sell it for peanuts. There are entrepreneurs who have felt that way. Before you do that you probably want to talk to some of your advisors or feel free to talk to me. Because there might be another solution than something quite that drastic.

People don’t do what you ask. That’s a common problem that I deal with entrepreneurs. There are many different reasons why that’s the case, but that’s a great reason for hiring a coach to help you discover why that’s the case.

You’ve lost the dream which is why you started the business in the first place. Most entrepreneurs start a business out of need, necessity, or because they see some greater good that they can do in the world. Or they see a really big business need and they come up with a solution that really solves it. But having done that they may have lost that initial spark or dream that got them going in the first place. If that’s you, then I help entrepreneurs rediscover their dream or help them find new dreams for the future.

You feel out of control, frustrated, or exhausted. I’ve been all three. Sometimes at the same time. Probably often at the same time. If that’s you, then I think you would find a coach could really help in solving each of those. Not instantly but digging away and finding out what is making you exhausted, what is making you frustrated, and what is making you feel out of control.

You dread starting your day or week. There’s nothing worse than dreading going into the office and having to face up to whatever there is. You want to jump out of bed with joy, you want to look forward to the next challenge, the next thing that is in front of you. I can help with that too. Making sure that you have structured your day and your business and your week so that it really is what you want.

You want someone in your corner who always has your back. Your board of directors, your investors, your employees always have other issues and can’t be there a hundred percent just for you. But a coach can. That’s a great reason to hire a business coach.

Finally, you want someone with good questions, not pat answers. In fact, as a coach all I have are the questions. Hopefully they are good ones. Ones that lead you down a path that lets you realize new dreams, realize dreams bigger than you’ve ever dreamt before, and shows you a path or shows you a way that you can figure out your path to realizing those dreams, making them come true, and living the life that you truly want.

Now what about me more than a dozen years ago when that coach made me super uncomfortable and challenged me? I hired that coach. Kevin Lawrence. We did absolutely amazing things together. When I got to a place in my career where I wanted to do something different, I decided that I wanted to become a coach like Kevin, and I wanted to give to entrepreneurs like you gifts like Kevin has given to me.

I have a proven process to get you started. It’s really easy. Reach out to me. Give me a call, send me a text, send me an email and let’s book a one-hour coaching call. We’ll spend time together and find a way forward in your biggest challenge. From that you can decide whether there is a fit and whether you want me as your coach.

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