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When, Where, and How Do You Work Best?

Entrepreneurs achieve high performance by learning more about themselves. You have your own unique way of working best. Discover when you have the most energy in the day. Find the places where you work most productively, whether that is in an office, or not. Whether you like to work by yourself, collaborate with others, or many different combinations there is a variety of ways you work best.

I have helped many people figure out where, when, and how they work best. If you would like to learn more, call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.




When, Where, and How Do You Work Best.

Hi Everyone, I am Coach David J. Greer. On the beach here in Vancouver after having gone for a nice walk in Pacific Spirit Park. What I have learned about myself is the best way to start my day and set myself up for success is to exercise first thing in the day. Best is if I can get outside. Outside really renews me, gives me a chance to think, or just to be with nature. The trees, what is happening around me, there’s lots of birds—it’s just a beautiful morning her in Vancouver. What a fantastic way to start the day.

I also know this about myself. My most productive creative time is the first three hours of the day, the first three working hours. Usually I try and schedule creative work into that time.

I typically have a low energy period after lunch. I find that booking coaching calls in the early afternoon is great because I get a lot of energy from my clients. I love that client work. That really energizes me and keeps me going. I have a secondary higher energy period late in the afternoon. I try and finish up some tasks at that time of the day.

I share this with you as what works for me, not necessarily what will work for you. Rather to give you some indication of how I think about this and the kind of things that I have discovered about myself. I want you to know that this did not come overnight. It takes a concentrated effort over a period of time to learn these things about yourself. Sometimes we learn them and then forget about them. Then we set up our environment so that it doesn’t really support us in what works best for us. This is something that you need to revisit over and over again. To come back to and be curious about. The important thing is that you figure out what works for you.

When in the day do you have the most energy? Where do you work best. It might not be in an office. It might not be behind a desk.

How? I know some entrepreneurs who really collaborate best when they are walking with people. Being around a conference room table doesn’t work for them. I know others, because I’ve worked with engineers and been a computer scientist for much of my life, who work well standing in front of a white board with a pen. What works for you? Spend the time to figure that out.

For me, I have very strong boundaries around my work. I work typical business hours, 8-9 in the morning to 5-6 at night. Outside of that time if you need to reach me and it is urgent and important, people know that they text or they call me because I’m not going to be checking email. In fact, I try and only check email once in the morning, midday, and late afternoon. I’m less perfect on that.

I have no reminders on any of my devices when email messages come in. Or any other kinds of messages for that matter. I don’t work well with constant interruptions; I work better with concentrated periods of time.

In fact, I work so well with concentrated periods of time that I actually work against my body. I have learned that to stay healthy when I’m working on project work at the computer, I have to set my watch timer for 45 minutes. Then when it goes off, I have to make sure that I get up and stand up. Sometimes for me that is really, really hard because I’m in the middle of something that is really going well. For my own health I have to make sure that I get up and have those breaks.

If you want to have the highest productivity for you and for your team members, figure out where, when, and how you work best and each of your team members too. If you are struggling with this or anything else in your business, I’m here to help. Call me or email me. I love helping people discover where, when, and how they work their best.

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