Wind In Your Sails: Corporate Strategy

David’s book Wind in Your Sails has ten strategies. In this video on Corporate Strategy, David shows how getting off site to create a strategic plan with clear goals keeps everyone aligned:


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Transcript of Corporate Strategy

Hi Everyone, I am Coach David J. Greer and today I want to talk about Corporate Strategy. High growth profitable companies have a written strategic plan. To create an effective plan, you and your team need to get off site two days annually and one day quarterly to create each quarter’s plan.
In today’s fast paced world, you actually need to focus three years out. What markets will you be in then? How big will your company be, in revenue, people, and geographies? What critical resources and developments do you need to get now, so that you’ll be ready in three years’ time?
Being strategic means finding those next 1-3 items that will move your company ahead the furthest. There’s always ten times more things you want to achieve than there’s time, money, and effort available. If you go off site and you focus on the #1 thing you need achieve for the year and the #1 goal for the quarter, you’ll have a plan for high success. In my experience you and your team always have the collective wisdom to be able to figure out what’s next for your company.
Once you have a plan, many entrepreneurs start varying from it. As they lurch from one idea to the next, all momentum is lost. Getting your organization to focus on a few clear goals means everyone is pulling in the same direction. Quarterly reviews let you course correct as you and your team evaluate the quarter against your annual plan and progress to date.
In my book Wind In Your Sails, I show you a strategic planning process that gets you the success you want.