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Living Life: 14 Years of Sobriety

Today I celebrate 14 years of sobriety. The biggest achievement of my life. One that I must achieve every single day.

My solution to getting and staying sober is 12-step recovery. The only difference between all 12-step programs, is the first half of the first step where we admit our powerlessness over whatever it is that holds us down. For alcoholics, the first step reads:

“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.”

Why I find 12-step recovery so attractive is that:

  1. It is a program about living life and not about giving up our substance or behavior of choice.
  2. It is a fellowship where I surround myself with people who are seeking a happy, joyous, and free life.
  3. Once we have worked the steps of recovery, we give back and be of service by sharing our experience, strength, and hope with others.

For decades, I was in denial about my alcoholism. I am forever grateful that the one day I was willing to admit I had a problem, it was to Kevin Lawrence, and he coached me to my first 12-step meeting. Was I scared going into a new situation with a bunch of people I didn’t know? You bet I was. And it was the best thing for me.

Alcohol is the most powerful drug in the world. Due to its place in society and media, most people don’t know this or just ignore this fact. If anyone drinks enough alcohol, they will become addicted.

The #1 thing I ask of all my clients is to make conscious choice in their life. For years, alcohol made the choice for me. Today, I made the conscious choice to put my sobriety first.

If you struggle with any addition, there is hope. There is help. You can live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

What choice do you want to make today?

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