Shiny red balls distract many high performing people, myself included. While playing with a ball can be invigorating, like we see with the children in the photo above, more often it proves to be a distraction. What can you do if you feel yourself being pulled into the next shiny red ball?
Strategy: Red balls are opportunities that happen by. When feeling the distraction, return to the strategic focus you have set for yourself. That reminds you why you are doing what you do.
Challenge: If you are feeling overwhelmed or challenged a bright new idea may seem like an easier path than the one you are on. Reach into your toolkit and do those things that renew your energy. I ski, sail, photograph, spend time with my family, or just spend time in nature. You can read more in my post Keeping My Edge.
Momentum: As humans we always overestimate what we can do in three months and underestimate what we can do in two years. The key is to stay true to your vision. If you keep going step by step, you will be amazed at how far you can go by maintaining your focus.
Leadership: Where you go the rest of your team follows. If you are constantly changing direction to chase the next opportunity, your team will be left uncertain and confused. Keeping your focus let’s them keep their focus. Even if you are uncertain, continuing towards your vision inspires confidence in everyone around you.
Shiny red balls and the distractions they bring are all around us. How will you react the next time you see one?
Photo courtesy of Lozerboy.