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Video: Is alcohol impacting you and your business?

Many entrepreneurs cope with the stress, pace, lows, and highs of running a business by using alcohol. Alcohol can also take us down and have a massive impact on us and our business. I know. I’m an alcoholic. Fortunately, I have found recovery for many years now. I am dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs like me who realize that alcohol is no longer working for them. There is hope and help. I know, because sobriety not only works for me, but has let me experience the biggest dreams I have ever had for myself. Let’s have a conversation.

If you think alcohol is having an impact on you, call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me.

Summary for Alcohol Impacting You and Your Business

  1. I know the challenges of alcohol and business because I am a recovering alcoholic.
  2. I used alcohol to cope with the lows and to try and make the highs, higher.
  3. The amazing Kevin Lawrence coached me to recovery.
  4. Alcohol held me back from my biggest dreams.
  5. Being an entrepreneur is lonely.
  6. I isolated when drinking, cutting me off even more.
  7. If you struggle with alcohol, know that there is a solution.
  8. Call me at +1 (604) 721-5732 or Contact Me to have a conversation about my journey and how it could help you.



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Is alcohol impacting you and your business?

Today I want to talk to you about alcohol, you, and your business. I want to talk to you about this because I am an alcoholic. Thankfully, I have been in recovery for a number of years. I know what it is like to have alcohol impact you and your business every day.

You see, for years I drank every day. It’s how I coped. It’s how I got over when things were going bad. It’s how I celebrated to make the highs higher. It was my coping mechanism. Until one day it wasn’t coping any more.

Thankfully, the universe put in my path an amazing coach, Kevin Lawrence, and I admitted to him that I was someone with a drinking problem. I certainly wasn’t prepared to say I was an alcoholic. He coached me to go to recovery. From there I started my journey of sobriety and really of life.

I know what it is like to have alcohol have a massive impact on you and your business. The truth is alcohol not only got in the way of my success and my business, it also quashed some of my deepest and biggest dreams. It held me back from doing those things that I really wanted to do.

If you feel that alcohol is holding you back, if you think that it is having an impact on you and your business, I know what that’s like. I would love to be able to help you or talk to you about it or talk you through it. Just give me a call, text me, email me and we’ll set something up.

There’s another piece to this experience of being an entrepreneur and being an alcoholic. You’ve probably heard, and it’s true, that being an entrepreneur is lonely. It is lonely at the top. Most of your staff, your spouse, others really don’t appreciate all that you have to go through.

Then there’s being an alcoholic. My journey as an alcoholic was one of isolation, drinking alone, so I was alone at the top with my business and alone with my drinking. That was a really bad combination.

I want you to know that it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a solution. I’m proof of that. So again, if you want some help, give me a call, text me, or send me an email and we’ll set something up to have a conversation. Because alcohol does not have to have an impact on you and your business.

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